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Creating your dream society training in Sweden

Call for participants

AVI Moldova invites you to take part to  the second seminar in the “Peace Gardener” project…

Creating your dream society”

A training for future campleaders and volunteer coordinators


28:th of Marchr-1:st of April in Stockholm, Sweden

How does your dream world look like?
How can you contribute to your dream world as a campleader or a volunteer coordinator?

During “Creating your dream society”, we will have a dreaming part when we explore how we see our society today and how our dream society look like. We will also have a more practical part where you get the chance to choose if you want to look closer into how you can create a workcamp that contributes to your dream society (campleader training) or if you prefer to learn more about how to coordinate volunteers that contributes both to the vision of SCI and the dream society of the volunteer (volunteer coordinator).

You can join the seminar as…
· Full time campleader participant, taking part in the dreaming part and training for campleaders. 
· Full time volunteer coordinator participant, taking part in the dreaming part and training for volunteer coordinator.
· Part time volunteers, participating in either the dreaming part of the training, the campleader part of the training or the volunteer coordinator part of the training and during the rest of the time helping out with practical tasks such as cooking, beautifying etc.

When: 28th of March to 1st of April 2013

 Stockholm, Sweden

For whom:
 There will be 30 participants to the event (26 full time participants and 4 part time volunteers), about half of them travelling from abroad. Participants should be interested in exploring their dream society and contribute towards it either as campleaders or as volunteer coordinators within their organization. 

Cost:  37 euro (covering the training, food and accommodation) for full time participants and 0 euro for part time volunteers.

Travel reimbursement: A travel reimbursement of 70 % for environmentally friendly means of transport (boat, bus or train) only.

Want to join?
Sent a mail to with name of the project as subject and you will receive the application form.

Deadline for application:  18th of February.

Questions? Please send an e-mail to !

We are looking forward to receive applications from motivated volunteers!

Autor: AVI Webmaster

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AVI Moldova invites motivated volunteers to take part in 2 EVS projects in Catalunya. Placement Officer for SCI Catalunya Location: Barcelona, Spain Start: 2013-10-01 End: 2014-07-01 Application deadline: 2013-01-25 Decision date: 2012-01-29 Vacancies: 1 Languages: Spanish Proje. Detalii...
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