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Seminar in Berlin - call for participants
October 14th - 21st, 2018

The project “Active against racism and extremism” represents a huge step to extend the work on promoting peace, non-violence, human rights, social justice & international understanding as an alternative to war. This is a common project of SCI Germany, ArmActive Youth Centre Armenia, AVI Moldova and “Communication without Borders” (under the umbrella of “Social Vitamin”) Ukraine, with financial support of the German Foreign Office.

The seminar „Get active against racism & extremism” will be held during October, 14th - 21st, 2018, in Berlin.

The first part of the seminar will be dedicated to get to know the reality about the topic in each participating country, after that participants are going to get to know more about the topic of the project from theoretical point of view, helped by experts and researchers from each country. The following days participants will visit different initiatives in Berlin who are working daily on these topics, in order to gain further knowledge and share experiences. The last days will then be spent on developing tools and methods which can be later used in local activities, such as:

  • Board game
  • Simulation game
  • Human Library
  • Mobile exhibition

All participants for this project are expected to meet the following criteria:

  • A strong interest for the main topics and high motivation to eradicate racism and extremism through informing and educating the population,
  • All applicants must be minimum 18 years of age at the time of the training (there is no upper limit!) and be able to understand & speak English as a common language of the semina,
  • Commit to implement the learned knowledge and skills in practice back home and help implement one or more of the local activities developed during the seminar or after,
  • Commit to report the content of the project to other activists of their sending organisation,
  • All participants must take part in the seminar from the beginning till the end,
  • Anyone arriving earlier, or departing later, must arrange their own accommodation and pay for it themselves. For the period of the seminar accomodation and food will be provided, travel cost will be reimbursed up to the limit of 275 euro per person. There is no participation fee or other additional costs to be charged from participants.

All interested candidates, should fill in the application form and send it to latest by October 10th.

After acceptance, you will receive a detailed info-sheet with all contacts, travel directions etc. Only selected canditates wil be contacted.

Looking forward for your applications!


Autor: AVI Webmaster

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