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Tabere internationale pentru toamna
Mai jos gasiti citeva oferte de tabere internationale care inca mai au locuri pentru participanti din Moldova. Grabeste-te sa aplici, formularul de aplicare il gasesti aici:

DE-SCI-6.47 Bernkastel-Kues II
Friedmunt Sonnemann owns 4 hectares of land, situated in a forest near the small wine and tourist town of Bernkastel-Kues, 40km away from Trier. He cultivates plants, which are threatened or endangered, and sells the seeds of various horticulturists. The hut where he resides has neither a water pipe nor electricity, and the road to it is not paved. Life in this remote area, up one hour up the hill, is not suitable for everyone, therefore the volunteers must be economical, willing to avoid waste, able to adapt to hard living conditions and live an organic lifestyle. Living room, spring water and telephone are available.
W: Depending on the weather conditions, working in the fields or construction of house with simple materials (loam and straw)
S: Botany, discussion about the extinction of rare crops
A: In the barn, kitchen available, washing [normally] with cold water, compost toilet
Q: Adapting to very basic conditions and endure this life style for 2 weeks
X: Only vegetarian food; Do not bring a mobile telephone because of its unhealthy effect. Because of the high economical demands of the property, it’s required that the volunteers work Saturday mornings.

DE-SCI 10.60 STOLZENHAGEN (about 80 km north of Berlin)
2008-09-08   /   2008-09-20
”Gut Stolzenhagen” farm was built in 17th century in Brandenburg, situated approx. 80 km northeast of Berlin, close to the German-Polish border and national park ”Unteres Odertal”. In 1998, a group of Berlin citizens left the city and to settle down in Stolzenhagen. They founded a community with a special social and ecological lifestyle. Currently, 30 adults live there. The farm is focused on organic gardening, renewable energies, conflict resolution, art, etc. The buildings, however, are in need of renovation and the lawns need to be brought into control. For more information:
Before you apply, please read basic info on this site first. Here we explain, what we expect from volunteers in our camps.
W: Work outside on buildings and lawns, possibly clay building
S: Exchange about projects, group work, national park control, practical work
A: Mattresses with separate devices, kitchen, solar-powered shower, compost toilet
F: Self-provided
Q: If possible, experience with handwork
X: Excursions to the nearby attractions, possibly Berlin, bikes available, opportunity for paddle boating

FR-SCI 11.4        LILLE
2008-09-01   /   2008-09-14
The volunteers will have to help SCI Lille in north of France to renovate the office, to make it adapted for hosting volunteers. The work will be demolition of walls and little building works.
W : building work
A : house

TR-GEN 9.111        ART CAMP-11 FETHIYE
2008-12-21   /   2009-01-03
Kayakoy Art Camp is a place where different art workshops are held during the summer for international participants.
Please note that there is no work in these camps but the mentioned activities are taught to the participants. Thus, in order to cover the cost of accommodation, food and materials there is an extra fee of 320 €.
These camps are suitable for creative people both amateur or skilled artists who are interested in photography, painting, water painting, pottery, carpet weaving, drama, yoga, meditation, Reiki, Tai Chi, Astrology, rhythm and Salsa. But please note that not all fields are found in all periods.
People who like to share experience and learn from each other are welcome. Sight seeing tours, excursions, dia shows, and discos are being organized after the workshops. Swimming is a daily activity that the participants can do by their own apart from the organized activities.
W: No manual work. Workshops will be held in the fields of arts mentioned above, before noon. Different social activities are run after the lunch.
A: In the garden of the campsite under a clear sky and many stars. Sleeping bag and mat are necessary. Tents are supplied but you can also bring your own if you want privacy. You can also sleep on the wooden beds provided under a bowel F: Home made, delicious food is served.
LO: Fethiye is by the south Aegean Sea coast. The campsite Kayakoy is a small village and an ancient Greek settlement. Nearest city is Mugla. A: English Fee: An extra fee of EURO 320.- will be charged on arrival to cover the cost of accommodation, food, and materials. It is possible to join in the following term with a discount of EURO 50.-. T: Istanbul.

Mai multa informatie avi_placement[at]
Autor: Cernei Cezar

Primul \"CHANGE CLOTHS EVENT\" in Moldova
CE? - primul "Change Cloths Event" din Moldova CIND? - sambata, 19 iulie 2008, ora 15:00 UNDE? -Parcul Valea Morilor (Lacul Comsomolist), pe scari, mai jos de Facultatea de Arta IN CE FEL? - aduci hainele pe care nu le mai vrei. Toate hainele aduse vor fi 'eliberate' si fiecare poate sa-si ia haine aduse de altcineva PENTRU CINE? - pentru fiecare care vrea sa incerce ceva nou, indiferent daca are haine de schimbat sau nu. Detalii...
Publicat la: 09.07.2008
Festival de Film
Asociatia de Voluntariat International din Moldova (AVI-Moldova) in parteneriat cu Centrul Cooperare Internationala (CCI) ULIM organizeaza festivalul proiectilor de film pe tamatici sociale pe perioada 22 mai - 27 iunie. Detalii...
Publicat la: 25.06.2008