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Proiect EVS la Casa Providentei (inceput octombrie 09)
Dragi prieteni, va anuntam ca inca suntem in  cautarea unui voluntar pentru proiectul nostru "Casa Providentei" din Chisinau, Moldova si am dori sa distribuiti anuntul printre activistii, voluntarii d-stra (vedeti mai jos descrierea). Deasemenea puteti afla mai multa informatie despre proiect pe pagina web , sa ne contactati pe noi direct sau pe Sandra Kowalski (Service Civil International - Deutschland) la adresa

Project description:
Social cantina, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
Project: The cantina provides every day arround 100 homeless and poor people with a hot lunch. It is part of a catholic social center, but this doesn’t mean any religious restrictions for the volunteer.
Work: The main work will consist of helping in the Cantina. It is necessary to help with the distribution of the food and afterwards to collect dishes from tables. Just after the hot lunch many people are used to spend a few hours in the centre. We would like the volunteer to help organize different activities for them (singing, dancing, games). Every month the people coming to Cantina are changing and usually from the start of the month we need to organise welcome games of getting to know each other and a few workshops on communication. There is an established general program for each day but it is quite flexible. The volunteer will support the organization of various other activities such as celebrating Old People Day (1st of October), Christmas Day, Mother?s Day and many other similar events. Usually different useful lessons are run for these people especially about health and traditional medicines where the volunteer can also help according to their interest. Also, the volunteer is invited to do English classes for kids from social disadvantaged families, aged between 8 & 12 yeas old. They are taking part in “After School”-project of the same Social Centre. The activities of the “After School”-project begin at 03.00 in the afternoon so the volunteer can easily fit into both programs. Furthermore there is the possibility to organise own projects at AVI, the SCI group in Moldova (workcamps, language courses etc.).
Requirements: The volunteer should be motivated and willing to get closely in touch with the difficult living situation and with the social problems of poverty and loneliness. He/she should show interest in social voluntary work, especially with old people. The volunteer must not be afraid of contact with mentally disabled adults who do not speak or hear, or have speaking problems. Sometimes they can be too insistent and therefore the volunteer should have good communication skills. The volunteer should be open minded, ready to work in a team with other AVI volunteers, and be ready to think and feel free to implement new methods in the work with these people and their families – as the center is working only from 2002 and for Moldova it is a new experience, there are many opportunities to introduce his or her ideas.
Age limit: 18-30 EVS project
Period: 10 months from October 2009
Number of volunteers: 1
Project language: Russian, Romanian
local language: Romanian, Russian
Food: covered by EVS (lunch in the Cantina)
Accommodation: separate room in a guest family or in an apartment/ dormitory.
Language training: Romanian classes
Insurance: AXA - covered by EVS
Pocket money: 80 Euro per month
Autor: Cernei Cezar

URGENT: Seminar International in Sevastopol
“Building bridges through volunteering” International seminar Sevastopol, Ukraine, September 20-27, 2009 Call for participants Long-term volunteer projects (including EVS) make up another big sector of work for many SCI branches, groups and partners. Detalii...
Publicat la: 06.07.2009
Vara asta mergi in tabere internationale!
Incepand cu primavara aceasta SCI (Service Civil International) lanseaza o noua aplicatie de cautare a taberelor internationale, un motor creat sa faciliteze si sa imbunatateasca procedura de cautare a taberelor in intreaga lume de care fiecare din voi poate deja sa beneficieze. Bazata pe o experienta din trecut, noua aplicatie vine sa aduca module noi si comode pentru cei care cauta, vor sa aplice si sa plece in tabere SCI. Detalii...
Publicat la: 15.05.2009