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Seminar International Volunteers wear PRADA

"Volunteers wear PRADA (PR. A.ctivism D.evelopment A.chievement)" - fashion trends in international youth and volunteer movement

March 21-28 2011, Kharkov, Ukraine

Fashion and PRADA (as well as Chanel and Dior) have not much in common with SCI and international volunteering, however do not let yourself to be mislead by the title. The project has something to do with fashion, but of another kind – what is now ‘fashionable’, current and important for SCI. It has a structure of summer university with four parallel blocks, which include such important issues for SCI, as capacity of organization, networking and partnership. Usage of internet, ICT (internet communication technologoes) for promotion of volunteering, and how to bring sustainable lifestyle to international youth and volunteer projects are rather new issues but of high importance for the movement nowadays.

The project is realized by SCI-IS and SVIT-Ukraine, with connection to SCI strategic plan and support of the Executive Agency of Youth in Action programme, and will take place in Ukraine (Kharkiv) from 21st to 28th of March, 2011.  

The program will be organized with parallel workshops and activities on the four main blocks:

-          networking and partnership, successful examples of networking and coordination of international activities on certain topics, international communication and coordination, diffuculties and challenges in international cooperation on volunteer and youth field

-          capacity development of youth and volunteer organization what are our capacities, identifying and analyzing them (strong and weak points) on national and international level, needs, tools and steps for developing organization

-          internet and creative ways to promote volunteering and international youth work. Usage of Internet for promotion of international youth and volunteer projects, which methods of promotion are used now, what works and what not, sharing experiences and best practices, creativity and innovation in online promotion (flash, youtube etc.), using internet for learning and sharing information

-          sustainability in international youth and volunteer work. This block is dedicated to global problem of climate change and environmental sustainability – how can we make our activities more sustainable, minimize harmful impact on environment, make international youth and volunteer projects a practical examples and models of sustainable lifestyle


The four blocks are closely connected with each other, and will include both theoretical inputs prepared by the prep-team, as well as practical workshops aimed to work on ideas and specific proposals for future activities, discuss issues of common interest for activists of different branches; participants will have possibility to propose worskhop topics and discussions, and organize them. The program will be built in such a way, that several workshops on each block will be running parallel. It is also planned to have open space and plenary sessions to share the results and address common issues.


Participants profile: active volunteers, board members and staff of SCI organizations and partners, with experience of leading workcamps or organizing other SCI activities (as EVS or youth exchanges), activists of international working groups dealing with specific themes in SCI as environmental issues and climate change, or social inclusion, peace education and other issues, who are interested to get new skills and discuss ideas for joint activities and cooperation, usage of internet tools for raising awareness. There is no age limit. Working language is English.

Financial conditions:

All costs concerning meals and accommodation as well as the program and materials will be fully covered for the whole duration of the training. Travel costs will be reimbursed 70%, given that participants used cheapest and environmentally friendly way of travel. The participation fee for CIS and SEE participants is 20 Euros, for ‘new’ EU countries (Poland, Slovenia etc.) is 25 Euro, and for ‘old’ EU countries and Switzerland – 35 Euro.

Following partners have signed partnership agreements for the project and are eligible to participate: SCI Italy, SCI Romania, KVT Finland, SCG, OWA Poland, Utilapu, Ecocenter Zapovednics, VCV Serbia, AVI Moldova, VCZ Croatia, Zavod Voluntariat Slovenia and SCI Germany. Participation of representatives of other European SCI organization is possible upon approval of Youth in Action Programme Executive Agency. Unfortunately, due to funding limits the project is only open to European branches and partners of SCI.

Application procedure

  • Deadline for applications is February 20th, 2011
  • A completed application form with any other relevant information shall be sent by email to:
  • All candidates will be informed by email about the decision
  • For any questions do not hesitate to contact the us at

Applicants will be informed about the outcomes of selection by 25th of February.

Looking forward to welcome you in Ukraine!

Autor: AVI Webmaster

Proiecte EVS/LTV pentru 2011. Aplicã acum!
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