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Ce facem vara?

Te-ai gindit deja cum iti petreci vacanta de vara? Vara asta nimeni nu sta acasa...!!!!!!!

Noi te invitam sa participi la cele mai interesante tabere internationale de voluntariat, si de data asta este vorba despre sansa sa cunosti oameni noi si sa traiesti alaturi de ei cele mai frumoase experiente si aventuri din vara care te asteapta....



23/07-13/08 2011

 Trebnitz Castle is a centre for meeting and exchanging with a focus on cultural and political education. They organize international projects and exchanges, especially with eastern European countries. Trebnitz is located about 50 km from the centre of Berlin. It offers educational supplies, mainly to young people, but also seminars and further training courses to adults.  The activity focus of the workcamp this year is creating free-time activities for children and young people from the region and from a children's home. Besides, there are various kinds of small-scale creative work in the castle and work in the castle’s park. In the evenings and weekends there is a possibility to barbecue, to bake in the clay baking oven in the castle park or to make a campfire. Area studies and excursions to Berlin, Frankfurt/Oder, Buckow or Poland are possible.

 LUETZENSOEMMERN DE-SCI-6.18   13/08-31/08 2011

German-Italian workcamp

 The project ‘Seminar House Rittergut’ is an alternative meeting and educational centre. It is located app. 40 minutes by train from the city of Erfurt in the East of Germany. Lützensömmern, an idyllic village, has approx. 300 inhabitants and the manor takes up about 4 hectares of the village. In the area, residential summer camps for children, teens and disabled people are arranged. Naturally, we always need helpers to make every day a special day, which is important for our guests. Besides, we will realise some manual working projects.

 KOELN-MUELHEIM DE-SCI 9.98       29/07-19/08 2011

 German-French-Chinese Workcamp

Located in the middle of Cologne by the river Rhine, in the former working-class neighbourhood of Muelheim, you can find the Sozialistische Selbsthilfe Muelheim. This group that began with just 20 people has established a project that has become popular far beyond the borders of Cologne. Anybody can join the SSM – no one is too old, too infirm or too ill. It welcomes the homeless as well as the unemployed, people who have overcome addictions or have a criminal record as well as families with children, people who find it hard to get along with the current system and people who simply don’t want to spend their everyday life between the office and the TV. SSM has restored an old factory and earns its money by helping people with removals and flat closures. It is involved with various beneficial projects within the local community and helps those in need. During the workcamp you will focus on the respectful conversion of this building considering its preservation order. In order to get to know people as well as the project and to socialize with the group, trips and sightseeing in Cologne and the surrounding area will complement the work.


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Autor: AVI Webmaster

International Seminar (My spade, my word, my tool)
Innovative and creative methods for educational youth work on the topics of human rights, racism, social inclusion and promotion of volunteering Call for participants April 15-22, 2011 Kharkov, Ukraine Every year in different projects SCI is organizing all over the world, hundreds. Detalii...
Publicat la: 21.03.2011
Tabara internationala de voluntariat pentru organizatia ta
Ce este o tabara de voluntariat? O tabara de voluntariat (workcamp) este locul unde oameni de rase, ideologii si nationalitati diferite traiesc si muncesc împreuna timp de doua-trei saptamâni în cadrul unui proiect sustinut de o organizatie locala. Majoritatea taberelor de voluntariat se desfasoara in timpul verii si cuprind 10-20 participanti. Detalii...
Publicat la: 02.03.2011