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TU unde mergi in vacanta?!?

Te-ai gindit deja unde mergi in vacanta de vara? Vino impreuna cu AVI Moldova sa petreci o experienta nemaipomenita intr-o tabara internationala pentru voluntari !!!

Noua ne place sa petrecem util si interesant timpul! Noi suntem activi si nu te lasam in pace.......vino alaturi de noi si vei avea sansa sa petreci o vacanta de neuitat, plina de evnimente interesante.

Unde mergem?


KUUSKAJASKARI ISLAND ( FI-KVT 9.2)    2011.07.01-2011.07.15

Kuuskajaskari Island is located near Rauma in the archipelago of Finland's west coast. Kuuskajaskari is specialized in organising different kind of meetings (festivity, leisure) and summer camps for adults and children with special needs as well as business, school and pensioner groups. The area is very rugged and beautiful, and will in the future become a National Park. The UNESCO world heritage site of Old Rauma town is also nearby. The vols will help with maintenance work, cleaning pathways and building camp fire places. There is also a library which needs organising and the vols can also help taking care about the farm animals, goats and chickens. The volunteers will also organise a workshop on anti-racism, global justice or human rights for local people.


Kutina 2011 (HR-VCZ 5.2)    2011.06.26-2011.07.10

City of Kutina is the most important urban and business centre of Moslavina, the region occupying the central part of Republic of Croatia. Volunteers will prepare and run different type of workshops for local kids. Subjects of workshop activities will depend on their skills. Workshops will be held in courtyard and teaching rooms of dormitory. From time to time volunteers will be also helping hand in organizing summer festival in Kutina. Study visit will include wider surroundings of Kutina, like Lonjsko polje nature park and other interesting, historical locations. Together with kids and youngsters volunteers will have one afternoon tour through- Kutina. Also evening social activities will be organized.


Mental health and European year of volunteering   (SI-SCI 4.1)


Novi Paradoks is an association that takes care for the quality of life of people with special needs and mental health problems. So far we have established six Residential Groups that enable people with mental health problems to reside outside institutions and are treated in the same way as a "healthy" population. In such Residential Groups they have a positive environment for their rehabilitation, help in every day duties and are included in every day social life . We will be taking care for the orchard,the garden and "kozolec" - a typical construction for drying the hay, helping with renovation of the living spaces and the daily center of the Residential Group. Part of the time volunteers will work together with people that reside in the farm. In free time we will present you the features of the Regional park and special Karst landscape where the Eco Farm Topol is situated and also take you to different parts of the park, for example to lake Bloke.

Vrei si tu cu noi?

Trebuie doar sa completezi FORMULARUL DE APLICARE si sa-l trimiti la adresa

Pentru detalii suplimentare trimite un mesaj la dresa indicata mai sus.

Noi suntem foarte prietenosi........ACUM ai sansa sa devii si TU prietenul nostru!!!

Autor: AVI Webmaster

Ce facem vara?
Te-ai gindit deja cum iti petreci vacanta de vara? Vara asta nimeni nu sta acasa...!!!!!!! Noi te invitam sa participi la cele mai interesante tabere internationale de voluntariat, si de data asta este vorba despre sansa sa cunosti oameni noi si sa traiesti alaturi de ei cele mai frumoase experiente si aventuri din vara care te asteapta....  CE ITI PROPUNEM NOI? TREBNITZ CASTLE DE-SCI 5. Detalii...
Publicat la: 24.03.2011
International Seminar (My spade, my word, my tool)
Innovative and creative methods for educational youth work on the topics of human rights, racism, social inclusion and promotion of volunteering Call for participants April 15-22, 2011 Kharkov, Ukraine Every year in different projects SCI is organizing all over the world, hundreds. Detalii...
Publicat la: 21.03.2011